Our story
This is where it all began...
Once upon a time, a girl named Beth was inspired by an experience she had with her grandchildren. She saw them engaged and excited. It gave her an idea!
It was a BIG idea, she didn't really know where to begin...so she thought about it and didn't do anything with it right away.
Until one day, she told someone.

"What if..." she said nervously,
"What if Pottstown had a place for children to PLAY and LEARN that was designed just for them. She told them all the reasons why it would be perfect.
They thought it was a great idea. So she told someone else. They thought it was a great idea, too!
This went on for a long time...everyone thought it was a GREAT idea!

Why Pottstown?
- Other children's museums are really far away
- Pottstown kids deserve this opportunity nearby
- Interactive, Hands-on play is a huge benefit to all kinds of learning
- Children's museums benefit communities
After some time passed, Beth started thinking...
"This might actually work."
"What now?" she thought. A friend suggested applying for a planning grant from a local foundation. So she did.
She GOT the grant and went to an Association of Children's Museums conference. While she was there, she became inspired to run with her idea.
She dreamed BIG - thinking about the children and families lives that could be impacted. The joy and discoveries that could be made!

When she got back from the conference, she gathered a group of people who supported her idea and wanted to help.
They talked together. They told families and friends. The word started to spread. "Pottstown is going to have a children's museum? How exciting!"
Pottstown Children's Discovery Center came to life.
Someone heard about the idea and asked PCDC to join the festivities, offering children's activities on the 4th of July. Absolutely! The pool of waterbeads were a hit!

It was really happening...the IDEA was working. PCDC got to watch kids engaged, exploring and excited - just like the inspiration of the idea!
Now what...
Start a board, become official, raise money, find a building, plan exhibits, write grants, community collaboration, the list was ever growing.
One step at a time...PCDC continued to happen.
PCDC became official and got their non-profit status. PCDC started looking for donors who had the same passions to support local kids.

"Who wants to join us?" they asked.
Enter Dana Corp in Pottstown!
They wanted to help - but how?
Dana Corp in Pottstown celebrated their 100 year anniversary and PCDC was there to help. Dana purchased the Big Blue Blocks from Imagination Playground for us, and have been very loved ever since.

Next, PCDC started the Founding 50, so donors and businesses could show their immediate support. PCDC felt the love!
The idea was growing. The magic of this was lighting up kids' lives. The idea needed more work to come completely alive!
PCDC wanted to spread the curiousity and excitement of the idea. So they thought up more events that could bring fun learning experiences to kids.
A kids celebration of New Years Eve?
A Dr. Seuss Party?
Collaborating with other great things in the community?
Yeah, let's do that.

It was then that the PCDC board members began pouring their lives into this idea. There was so much work to be done.
Around kitchen tables, future exhibits starting being designed. "What will inspire kids with a LOVE of LEARNING? What unforgettable experiences can we offer?
The project before them - to open a hands-on, interactive kid inspired, learning focused discovery center - was a huge, overwhelming, unknown undertaking...but they knew it would all be worth it.
It was March 2020 - PCDC is ready & so excited to host the 2nd Annual Seuss and STEM event...until it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
But what about the kids???
The mission of PCDC was still the same - even if they couldn't be together. So they had to get creative.
The Discovery Kit came to life!

They assembled all the supplies into bags for each family. Every month for the next year, hundreds of kids had everything they needed for creative learning at home.
The pandemic opened more possibilities for PCDC. While hundreds of families and children were taking part in Discovery Kits, PCDC was making a connection that would have a HUGE impact on its future!

Montgomery County Community College right in Pottstown had a building designated for community connection. After much talk and collaboration, PCDC and MCCC determined that working together would benefit Pottstown in GREAT ways!
While plans and collaborations were happening with MCCC, exhibits were being planned and purchased. People and businesses all over town were supporting and sponsoring PCDC...while PCDC kept as involved with the community as they possibly could.
PCDC's board members and volunteers were out and about with opportunities to provide kids with hands-on learning. The Big Blue Blocks went all over town and into schools. Rockets and race cars were being built, and science messes were being made!
Seeing kids engaged and excited made this idea truly come alive!

PCDC has a home! The perfect location.
And it's only just the beginning...